Activities in 2022
Table of contents
- Recognition of non-profit status
- Creating a newsletter platform
- 05.02.2022 - One year after the coup - a look back and forward
- 22.04.2022 - GSM at the "Fair Handeln" trade fair in Stuttgart in the "OLD BUNNIES MEET NEWCOMERS" workshop
- 07.08.2022 - Myanmar in times of protest, coup and retention of power: film screening event in Berlin
In 2022, we worked a lot on our internal structures in order to put our association on a stable footing and thus lay a good foundation for future activities.
Recognition of non-profit status
It was a long process - but about a year after our foundation we can proudly say: We are a registered and non-profit association!
Creating a newsletter platform
Our newsletter is free of charge for you - so feel free to subscribe. Our newsletter is in german language only.
05.02.2022 - One year after the coup - a look back and forward
Our program began with a traditional dance, the bow dance. (Lähdtin a gaah). Formerly performed before or during wars and animal hunts, on this day it symbolized the fight against the military regime.
The following documentary "Padauk: Myanmar Spring" by Jeanne Hallacy and Rares Michael Ghilezan traced the democracy movement directly after the coup up to the brutal crackdown.
In the subsequent live conversation with Jeanne via Zoom, we were once again drawn closer to the protagonists and the concluding appeal to the world community left us full of thoughts as we went into the break.
Due to copyright laws, the film "Padauk: Myanmar Spring" and "Buffalo Boy" are not available in the recording. If you would still like to watch these and other films, you are cordially invited to visit the "Burma spring benefit Filmfestival 2022" website: https://bsbff.eventive.org/welcome
In many conversations, with great music and outstanding food, people networked, exchanged ideas and got to know each other.
The lecture by Lukas Nagel and the short film "Home" by Kaung Sint ushered in the second part of the evening.
After the reading of two poems and the last item on the program, the short film "Buffalo Boy" by Mai Ah Nway (Taaung Chit Thu), the evening came to an end.
It was moving, sad and beautiful at the same time. The live music and dance, combined with the delicious traditional food, showed many great aspects of Burmese culture.
On the other hand, the ruthless reality, packaged in three films, two poems and a lecture, was very thought-provoking and sad.
Nevertheless, we ended the evening stronger, united in the fight for democracy.
The event was sponsored by Engagement Global with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
It was organized by the "German solidarity with Myanmar democracy" initiative, from which this association has since emerged.
The venue for the event was the Rainbow Factory (http://www.regenbogenfabrik.de), which we would like to warmly recommend at this point. We would like to thank everyone who took part, helped organize, contributed and supported us in every possible way - thank you!
22.04.2022 - GSM at the "Fair Handeln" trade fair in Stuttgart in the "OLD BUNNIES MEET NEWCOMERS" workshop
07.08.2022 - Myanmar in times of protest, coup and retention of power: film screening event in Berlin
One year after the military coup, civil war is still raging in Myanmar, people are dying every day and thousands are in captivity. The economy is on the brink of collapse and food is in short supply. Health care is not guaranteed.
In the initial period after the coup, a large number of worldwide expressions of solidarity, support campaigns and protests took place, but the issue has now become quiet. We want to change that!
August 8th marks the 34th anniversary of the famous 8888 Uprising. To commemorate this historic day, a project day on the current situation in Myanmar will take place at Moviemento in Berlin Kreuzberg on Saturday, August 7 from 11:00 am. We want to use lectures, discussions and films to raise awareness once again and place the events in a global context.
More information about the films and program details will follow!
The event is organized by German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy in cooperation with the Myanmar Study Group.
Moderierte Filmcreenings, Q&A, Einspieler/Grußworte, Vorträge, Diskussion, Essen, Infostand
2 Vorstellungen -in der Pause Essensverkauf in der Lounge:
11.00 Uhr: Third Floor On The Left – Kinosaal 2 (67 Plätze)
14:30 Uhr: Padauk: Myanmar Spring – Kinosaal 1 (104 Plätze)
Anschließend Kurzfilm: CDM Doctors
Third Floor on the Left WORLD PREMIERE
Myanmar 2021, 88 min., directed by Kaung Sint
Cast: Aung Myint Myat (as Zwal), May (as his wife Khin Hnin), Thar Nyi (as Producer Bala), Myo Sandi Kyaw (as Zar Chi) and others
Language: Burmese with english subtitles
Genre: Drama