Kultur on Tour - MyanmarBike
lili & Tan Bone
with "Hear the Voice of Myanmar"
About the artist
Kam Seng Aung
Tan Bone [dt. “Blech - Explosion”] ist ein Künstlerkollektiv mit Kam Seng Aung alias li li k.s.a. Joshua Weitzel und Sam Tsao, das sich mit dem Thema Klang als Geste des Protests sowie als Geste der Solidarität inmitten des jüngsten Militärputsches in Myanmar beschäftigt.
EN: aka li li k.s.a, a native of Bhamaw, Kachin in Myanmar, is a composer, improviser, sound artist and violinist. He started violin playing at an early age and continued his studies in Germany with the support of his mentors Donata Elschenbroich and Hubert Scharding. He enrolled in the pre-college program at Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium in Frankfurt and studied under Heidrun Becker and Yvonne Smeulers.
He studied violin in the Bachelor of Music program at the Musikakademie der Stadt Kassel""Louis Spohr"" in Germany, violin under Anette Walther. He also studied composition with Frank Gerhardt. Under his tutelage, three of his compositions “Deine Wunderhand”, “V-Break” and “U Chang Ngau (der Vogel)” were premiered. His studies in Germany have been made possible by a generous scholarship from “Brot Für Die Welt”.
Since the military coup of February 2021 in Myanmar, he organized the ‘Peaceful Musicians’ group to protest in front of Embassies in Myanmar.
Also, a sound artist, his current projects include ‘Tan Bhone’, a sound installation in collaboration with Joshua Weitzel and Samuel Cho highlighting the current military occupation in Myanmar. Tan Bhone has been exhibited around Europe (Germany, France, UK, Netherland) including under ruruHaus program at Documenta 15. He is now base in Paris as an Exile artist.

သံပုံးသည် Kam Seng Aung (ခ) li li k.s.a ၊ Joshua Weitzel နှင့် Sam Tsa တို့ သုံးဦး၏ collective ဖြစ်သည်။ အဆိုပါ collective က “အသံ” ကို မြန်မာနိုင်ငံ၏ စစ်အာဏာသိမ်းမှုကို ဆန့်ကျင်သည် ဆန္ဒဖော်ထုတ်မှုများ၏ လက္ခဏာ၊ အမူအရာအဖြစ် ပြဆိုသည်။
The Art
Sie arbeiten mit einer breiten Palette von Medien, darunter gefundene Objekte, Found-Sound-Feldaufnahmen, Fotografie, Installationen, Geschichtenerzählen und interaktive Anwendungen. Ideen, die sich um Klang und Zuhören drehen, stehen im Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit, und die Gruppe arbeitet sowohl mit Ausstellungen als auch mit reinen Kompositionen, die oft Beiträge eines größeren Netzwerks von Aktivisten in Myanmar enthalten. Ihr jüngster Werkzyklus, Sound Pot, zeigt Objekte, die in der Pots-and-Pans-Bewegung des akustischen Protests verwendet wurden und von Aktivisten stammen, die von Sicherheitskräften getötet wurden.
EN: Tan Bone is an artist collective working on the subject of sound as a gesture of protest, as well as a gesture of solidarity amid the recent military coup in Myanmar.
They work accross a wide range of media , including found objects, found sounds field recordings, photography, installation, storytelling and inter active
apps. Ideas revolving around sound and listening are at the centre of their practices and the group works both with exhibitions, as well as with pure compositions, often including contributions from a wider network of activists in Myanmar. Their most recent work cycle , sound pot , features objects that were used in the pots and pans movement of acoustic protest , coming from activists who were killed by security forces. Tan Bone presents these objects along with the stories of the individuals behind the pots , creating a confrontation with the sonic objects towards the audience and provoking awareness towards the situation in Myanmar. Tan Bone is a group of acoustic activism , but not a party in the civil war: They create awareness, but do not agitate or promote violence and are committed to universal human rights . Aside from the theme of the current conflict in Myanmar, the group is also concerned with justice and human rights concerning post colonial , environmental and political constellations concerning sound.
Pictures © PaPa